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What kind of woman would choose to be a professional high-class escort and have sex with strangers for money?’ Well, me for a start. But let me expand on that a little. Women who shag for cash do not just come in one variety. They are as varied as the people in any job or industry, and to expect anything other than that is just naivete, prejudice, or some combination of the two. I have no experience working with street walkers or girls who work in massage parlours, so I can not speak about them. But many of my friends, peers, and colleagues work in brothels (in Spain, they call them houses), lap dancing, and gentlemen’s clubs. They basically use those as advertising or promotional channels to generate clients for their work as escorts. But most work through escort agencies because they can have the clients screened and checked and get better clients.

So, what kind of woman chooses to work as a sex worker? I am wary of generalizations, but there are some common factors. And they are not what you would expect. The first is the desire to make money, of course. Most people are not willing to really put themselves out to make serious money. They do not actually want money; they are just expressing a preference for making money. Girls who choose to work as women who escort Las Palmas clients are, by definition, willing to put money ahead of convenience or social approval. An openness about sex is nice but not essential. I know lots of very successful girls who are quite prudish in their personal lives but offer any and all services to clients. Desire for money again, I suppose.

The majority of successful escort girls are also very hard-working. It is not easy to see clients at short notice at all times of the day and night, keep fit, get your hair, nails, and make-up done, and be charming and alluring no matter what has happened. Other than that, I am honestly unable to make any generalisations. Hookers are individuals just like everyone else.

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